Welcome ....
Valley Construction News and Integrated Imaging present BID Online, your personalized, in-house virtual
plan room. BID Online provides the construction industry quick and easy access to bid documents via the
Internet. Through this service a member can retrieve blueprints, specifications, and addenda twenty-four
hours a day, seven days a week, with scalable measuring tools and printing capabilities.
Valley Construction News has been a leader in the Builders Exchange field for the state of Virginia for
a quarter of a century, providing the construction industry with information and access to publicly bidding
contract work. Valley Construction News strategically placed plan rooms in Roanoke, Richmond, and
Harrisonburg for easy access to bid documents.
Integrated Imaging (www.IntegratedImaging.com)
specializes in the custom tailoring of document management solutions with your existing systems and
procedures. By transforming paper documents into electronic images and integrating them with existing
computer databases, company networks and the Internet, Integrated Imaging can help maintain a functional
By combining these two company's services, Valley Construction News was able to provide its members with
one of the first virtual plan rooms in the world. Valley Construction News presented BID Online to its
members in February of 1998, and is now providing BID Online to over 160 companies throughout the East
Coast. For more information regarding Valley Construction News, Integrated Imaging or BID Online, or to try
the service for thirty days with no obligation call (888) 922-3669.
