This page displays an up-to-date listing of changes to our customer support web. We'll also place notices here regarding product updates, scheduled releases, or problems and work-arounds that may affect all customers. When bugs reported by our customers get fixed, we'll place a notice here, along with an estimate of when the fix will be shipped.
Users can now search for a phrase in either a job name or a job's description by using the 'Key Words' field on the Project Lookup and Search Assistant pages. A new version of BIDOnline Desktop is now available. You can get it here. There is a new feature on the main menu called Contractor Lookup which will allow users to search the VCN database for contractor contact information. Users can now view recently listed jobs and addenda through any web-enabled phone. Access jobs at http://www.vcnonline.com/new/jobs.asp Access addenda at http://www.vcnonline.com/new/add.asp Users can now lookup past bid jobs by using the revamped Project Lookup section. Find a job by using VCN's assigned ID or by searching using the project's name and bid date range. Users can now click on bidder's names in the Building and Heavy Construction pages to see what other jobs that person has bid on. A new version of BIDOnline Desktop is now available. You can now get Awards/Apparent Low Bidder information without having to visit the web site. You can get it here. BIDOnline Desktop is the latest product available for BIDOnline users. This powerful software allows you to download and manage your projects from your desktop computer without having to use a web browser. Contact our sales staff for details or download here to try it out. The BIDOnline site has been moved to a new server to improve speed and overall operability to provide better service to our customers. A new version of the BIDOnline FTP software is available for download. This version addresses the problem that some people have been having with downloading multiple jobs. It can be downloaded here. Full BIDOnline members can now order printed plans shipped via UPS from our website. This can be done by clicking the button on the job documents page. A new version of the BIDOnline FTP software is available for download. This version addresses the problem that some people have been having with cancelling a download. It can be downloaded here. A new version of the BIDOnline FTP software is available for download. All users of the BIDOnline FTP feature need to download and install this new version. On Thursday and Friday (1/18 - 1/19) we will begin upgrading our Internet connection to provide faster and more dependable service to our customers. During this time you many experience intermittent outages of service. We apologize for any inconveniences this may cause. The Search Assistant has been updated. You can now specify a comma-separated list of individual CSI codes in addition to the CSI code range. The Search Assistant has been updated. You can now get just the jobs in a certain region of the state by clicking it. Click on the small image of Virginia under the Search Assistant to try it out. The Custom Job Listing has been updated. You can now specify a comma-separated list of individual CSI codes in addition to the CSI code ranges. The Search Assistant has been updated. You can now include regions as a part of your search criteria. The Private Bid Section has been completely revamped with new functionality. The latest version of the BIDOnline FTP software is now available for download. Older version will no longer work with our service. We apologize for any inconveniences. You can get it from our download page. You can now get the latest listing of CSI codes used by VCN. Bandwidth increased to a true T1. Custom Job Listing added to Bid Documents. Jobs Past Bid section added.